
Python Fundamentals 2: Class 1 | Building Foundations

SKU: PYF2C1 Categories: , , , Tags: ,
Class Duration: 12 Lessons In this class, students will expand on their Python knowledge and delve into more complex topics. Over the course of 12 lessons, they will establish a solid foundation to tackle more advanced Python programming. Educational Plan: Lesson 1: Review and Recap
  • A brief review of Python Fundamentals 1 content
  • Refreshing foundational Python concepts
  • Preparing for advanced topics in Class 1
Lesson 2: Advanced Data Structures
  • Exploring advanced data structures
  • Dictionaries, sets, and advanced lists
  • Solving complex problems with data structures
Lesson 3: Advanced Functions and Methods
  • In-depth study of functions
  • Introduction to methods
  • Creating complex functions and methods
Lesson 4: Exception Handling and Error Management
  • Advanced error handling techniques
  • Exception types and custom exceptions
  • Robust error management in Python
Lesson 5: Advanced File Handling
  • Advanced file operations
  • File modes and file manipulation
  • Developing applications with advanced file handling
Lesson 6: Recursion and Algorithms
  • Understanding recursion and recursive functions
  • Solving problems with recursive algorithms
  • Developing efficient algorithms
Lesson 7: Introduction to Libraries and Frameworks
  • Exploring Python libraries and frameworks
  • Django and Flask for web development
  • Advanced applications using external resources
Lesson 8: Complex Game Development
  • Building complex Python games
  • Advanced game programming techniques
  • Creative game development projects
Lesson 9: Data Analysis and Visualization
  • Advanced data analysis using Python
  • Data visualization with advanced libraries
  • Exploring complex data-driven projects
Lesson 10: Web Development and Deployment
  • Advanced web application development
  • Deployment of web applications
  • Creating interactive, production-ready projects
Lesson 11: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
  • Exploring AI and machine learning concepts
  • Python in AI and machine learning
  • Simple AI projects and applications
Lesson 12: Project Showcase
  • Building an advanced Python project
  • Presentation and sharing of student projects
  • Reflection on the Building Foundations class and future Python aspirations
This class will provide students with a strong grounding in advanced Python concepts, data structures, and problem-solving techniques. By the end of this class, they will be well-equipped to take on more complex programming projects and explore specialized areas within Python.